Advanced Instrumental Voice Assessment: Protocols for Laryngeal Imaging, Acoustic and Aerodynamic Assessment

Advanced Instrumental Voice Assessment: Protocols for Laryngeal Imaging, Acoustic and Aerodynamic Assessment



Description of the event

This course will present an update on the recommended standard protocols for endoscopic, acoustic, and aerodynamic assessment of voice recently developed by the ASHA Adhoc Committee on Instrumental Voice Assessment. Specifications for instrumentation, environmental conditions, voice/speech tasks, analysis methods, and target measures will be provided.

These protocols can be used for clinical and research purposes. Emphasis would be on using these protocols for clinical purposes. Hands on practical demonstration will be provided for acoustic analyses and rating of videostroboscopy using the VALI-form (Voice-Vibratory Assessment with Laryngeal Imaging). Live demonstration with conducting rigid and flexible stroboscopy will also be provided.



Learning Objectives

  • Relevant components of instrumental voice assessment for evaluation of voice disorders
  • Basic equipment and environmental specifications for imaging, acoustic, and aerodynamic assessment of vocal function
  • Basic voice / speech tasks for imaging, acoustic, and aerodynamic assessment of vocal function
  • Basic parameters for obtaining and analyzing findings from imaging, acoustic, and aerodynamic modalities
  • How to obtain reliable and valid instrumental (acoustic, aerodynamic, and imaging) assessment of vocal function across mild, moderate, and severe vocal disturbances.
  • Describe the role of videoendoscopy and videostroboscopy in voice assessment
  • Recognize factors that can introduce bias in assessments using acoustics and laryngeal imaging and identify how to mitigate these.



2 day workshop

Advanced Instrumental Voice Assessment: Protocols for Laryngeal Imaging, Acoustic and Aerodynamic Assessment

Date: 26-27 April 2025 (SAT & SUN)

Time: 09:30-12:50, 14:00-17:20 (HKT)

Venue: CUHK Campus





- Speech therapists

- Speech therapy students

- Medical Practitioner (ENT)

Registration :

Please register by using the Speech and Hearing Social Enterprise Limited (SHSE) website:

Choose the above event under "Latest Events” > Click "Buy it now" > Create an SHSE account >
Fill in the Billing address and continue to payment >
Choose payment method (By credit card / Local bank transfer) > Completed registration.

A confirmation email with the order number will be sent to your registration email.

Please email for any assistance.

Registration Fee &

Two-day workshop
Standard rate
(after 31 Mar 2025)
Early Bird discount
(on or before 31 Mar 2025)
Student Discount HK$1,500
Oversea Participants offer
(on or before 31 Mar 2025)
Contact us by email


Overseas participants please email us at for enquiring for the special offers.

Participants of the event will be granted an attendance certificate.

Complimentary Registration:

This event offers complimentary attendance for CUHK external clinical educators for the MSc SLP Programme. If you would like to redeem your complimentary attendance at this event, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms. Cynthia Cheuk at on or before 31 Mar 2025.


Rita Patel, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Associate professor
Indiana University
Indiana, United States of America

Organizer: Speech and Hearing Social Enterprise Limited

Department of Otorhino­laryngology,
Head and Neck Surgery, CUHK
Institute of Human Communicative Research, CUHK

Continuing Professional Development

Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists - please refer to Continuing Professional Development Framework (HKIST >>> Continuing Professional Development)

The Continuous Professional Development points to be granted by the professional bodies related to the event participants will be confirmed later.

Biography of Speakers

Rita Patel, Ph.D. , is an associate professor at the Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Indiana University and an adjunct associate professor at the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Indiana University School of Medicine. She also holds the position of ‘Extraordinary Professorship’ at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. Her research and clinical expertise focus on addressing voice and upper airway disorders in adult and pediatric population, with specialization in endoscopic laryngeal imaging. Dr. Patel served as the Voice Clinic Director at University of Kentucky for 4 years, before moving to Indiana University. Dr. Patel has been awarded 8 extramural grants from National agencies including ASHA (American Speech Language Hearing Association) and NIH (National Institutes of Health); and 5 intramural grants. In 2022, Dr. Patel was awarded fellow by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) for her outstanding contributions to research and excellent teaching in the area of voice and voice disorders. Currently, Dr. Patel serves as the editor-in-chief for the American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology; American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation’s Board of Trustees, and as an Advisory Board Member of Voice Foundation. She also serves as a reviewer for numerous journals in the fields of laryngology and speech language pathology and also serves as grant reviewer for the NIH study section, the Voice Foundation, and ASHA.


Program Rundown (Preliminary)

Date: 26 & 27 April 2025 (Sat-Sun)

Time(HKT) Content
09:00-09:30 Registration
09:30-11:00 Workshop Part 1

Morning Tea Break

11:20-12:50 Workshop Part 2


14:00-15:30 Workshop Part 3
15:30-15:50 Afternoon Tea Break
15:50-17:20 Workshop Part 4



Terms and Regulations

    • All video or audio recordings, or using mobile devices for filming or photography is prohibited during the seminar.
    • Contingency Plan in case of Bad Weather: If Typhoon Signal No. 3, Red, or Amber Rainstorm Signal is hoisted, the seminar will be held as scheduled. If Typhoon Signal No.8 or above, or Black Rainstorm Signal remains hoisted by 6:30 am on the event date or other unforeseeable circumstances, the seminar will be switched to Zoom. You will be informed of the Zoom link by email in due course.


Refund & Exchange Policy

    • Speech and Hearing Social Enterprise (SHSE) reserves the right to cancel event due to insufficient enrolment in order to ensure the best use of resources. All fees paid will be refunded in accordance with the related procedures.
    • For applying for a refund, applicants need to submit the request by e-mail at the latest 7 days before the event day. SHSE will deduct 50% of the registration fee as administrative expenses and refund 50% of the fee to the participants. Refund request raised within 7 days before the event day will not be accepted.
    • If SHSE cancel event due to administrative reason, all fees paid will be refunded in accordance with the related procedures.
    • Refund would not be granted to participants who cannot attend the event due to personal reason. SHSE shall consider the request on a case-by-case basis for event postponement.
    • SHSE reserves the right to amend the event details without prior notice and reserves the final decision on any disputes.