
如未找到所需資訊或問題未得到解答,請與我們聯絡。(Please contact us if you cannot find the answer to your question)

1) 語聲社企是否提供言語治療服務予公眾人士? (Would SHSE provide speech therapy services for the public?)

2) 語聲社企是否提供聽力評估服務予公眾人士?(Would SHSE provide audiology services for the public?)

3) 公眾人士可以透過語聲社企網站購入言語治療評估工具嗎?(Can the public purchase speech therapy assessment tools from SHSE website?)

6) 除網上電子付款外,是否同時接受銀行轉賬付款? (In addition to online payments, would bank transfer be accepted?)